*Orbih, Marcus, And Four Others Bag Edo PDP Social Media Leaders Maiden Awards* _*Recognised for their commitment and service to Edo PDP and humanity...

The Edo State People's Democratic Party Social Media Leaders (EPSML) has presented awards to well-deserving personalities of the party in recognition for their various contributions and commitments to the party's stability and focus toward ensuring PDP remains the most viable party in Edo State in particular and Nigeria in general.

In the very competitive category, the People's Democratic National Vice Chairman in charge of South-South, *Chief Dan Osi Orbih,* emerged as *the Edo PDP Leader of the year 2021.* This consideration was informed by his contribution to the party and doggedness as the Chairman, State Campaign Council to deliver the PDP candidate during the Edo 2020 election as well as his resilience and stands on the sanctity of the party constitution including other roles in the party for the past years till 2021.

The Speaker, Edo State House of Assembly, *Rt. Hon. Marcus Onobun,* was adjudged *the State Legislator of the Year 2021.* The Speaker have shown exemplary leadership qualities in the efficient and effective management of the State Assembly since his assumption as the number State legislator in the State. He had also shown understanding in the working relationship between the State Executive and Legislative arm of Government.

The Secretary to the Government of Edo State,  *Mr. Osarodion Ogie, Esq.* bagged *the Edo PDP Strategist of the year 2021* for his role in the Edo 2020, PDP Government activities for 2021, his humility and down to earth personality that is second to none, as well as his open-door policy.

*Pa Etose Dickson Imasogie* picked *the Philanthropist of the Year 2021 Award* category. The group agrees that this 81 year old party member is the only person whose generosity is second to none despite not holding any political position (party or government) yet has consistently shown heart of benevolence to party members year in and year out without considering what he stands to benefit. EPSML also considered Pa Etose Imasogie as a man close to the people no matter their ages; the young and the old. Amongst other notable qualities are, his humility, unconditional accessibility, friendliness, open-mindedness and above all, character and lovely disposition.

A former Chief Whip of the Edo State House of Assembly, *Rt. Hon. Barr. Dcn Paschal Ugbome* bagged *the Most Social Party Member of the Year 2021 Award* this consideration was informed by Barr. Paschal's commitment to members' welfare, interpersonal and cordial relationship. Dcn Pascal has an unbeatable record of celebrating with people and showing commitment by reaching out to party members across the Senatorial Districts of the State.

Another leader that made the maiden EPSML Award is *Distinguished Sen. Odion Magnus Ugbesia.* The former Federal legislator bagged for *the PDP Peacemaker of the Year 2021.* Sen. Elder Odion Ugbesia was adjudged as one party member that has never been found wanting in any controversy that generates crisis in the party rather has continued and consistently called for peace in the party.

Presenting these Awards, EPSML challenged the awardees not to be deterred by any form of distraction that party members appreciate their commitments to ensure our party the PDP remains the only viable party in the State.

Incidentally, all the awardees thanked the social media tacticians, appreciates their selfless service to the party and appealed to EPSML to also use the medium to assist the party to pursue peace to a logical conclusion. While the People's Democratic Party National Vice Chairman-SS, Chief Dan Osi Orbih specifically noted that EPSML is a rear team and first of its kind in the history of the party that must be supported to sustain promoting the party's ideology, the Speaker of Edo State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Marcus Onobun looks forward to more interactions in a view to help the party ensure peaceful coexistence of members.

Initiated by Comrade Bayode Choice, Edo PDP Social Media Leaders, is championed and powered by Engr. Dr. Mike O. Enahoro, Mr. Igbinosa Efe, Evang. Dr. Emeka Ekwugha, JP, Mr. Olamide Anifowose, Pastor Asazobor O. Daniel, Dr. Vincent Amienota, Mr. Morrison O. Evbuomwan, Comrade Isaiah Adanegbe, Mr. Dele Elempe, Comrade Ozimah Joseph Odemokpa and others


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